Alhamdulillah! At last I've time to update my site after about a month, leaving my site with no post. Fuh! It's quite tired for me, enrollment preparation to main campus of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Gombak Campus, had the orientation week, at the same time I got fever, sore throat, headache, toothache, flu. And the live here is also get me tired, as the distance between my Mahallah and my Kulliyah is the longest diagonal on the map! Oh, it just like I gonna die! Astaghfirullah! Do not Suu Zhon (bad assumption) to Allah, He knew what He did to us. Maybe He want to clear my sins by giving me some difficulties. Always thanks to Him on everything, good or bad thing that he gave to us. What our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon to him) said, "الحمد لله علي كل حال".
So, this post is the series of the previous post on DEENIFY T-DESIGN CONTEST. This time for February session contest, the theme is SUNNAH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON TO HIM). I just only able to submit one design on this time because I'm too busy to adapt myself on the new campus life. Haha. It's quite messy on early of semester, takes time to adapt with it. need to talk more... I think it's enough for this time. Just take a look on my new design!
Click image to enlarge
Hello friends!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله Thanks to Allah who have given this opportunity for I-DEAL DESIGN & ARTS to build our own blog. This is just a first step for a long journey. Just a short information for you, my dear friend, we'll show you on this blog all of our design, arts and crafts. We just an amateur, or exactly a beginner in arts industry. HAHA. Please support us in order to heal this world through arts. Spread the truth! Wait for another awesome and amazing stuff from us!
!مع السلامة و الى اللقاء