Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah. Hello bro? Ready for 2012? There is too much rumors about the "mystery" of 2012. We think that's no need to mention it coz most of us already know about it. Is it scaring you? Don't scare my bro and sis. Please, don't believe about that rumors. Believe in Allah, the only One that know when the Last Day may happen. There were no creatures, on the Earth or up on the Sky know about it, but only Him. But this is not the main topic for this post, just a kind reminder for us. So, I-DEAL DESIGN & ARTS have participated on Pertandingan Mencipta Logo Halaqah Maya (click the link to see the details). Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, we had sent 9 different designs of logo to be contested. Thus, we need of your support to like one of our logo. Join HALAQAH MAYA facebook group to vote, and LIKE any of our logo. Your support are important for us. Arigatogozaimasu!
Our logos design to be contested. (click the image to enlarge)
How to LIKE?
1. Click this link (http://www.facebook.com/groups/halaqahmaya/)
2. Join the page
3. Like any of the logo
(p/s : I hope that you only LIKE only any our logos. lol. Just kidding. It's up to you. -.-" but we really hope for that..haha)
Hello friends!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله Thanks to Allah who have given this opportunity for I-DEAL DESIGN & ARTS to build our own blog. This is just a first step for a long journey. Just a short information for you, my dear friend, we'll show you on this blog all of our design, arts and crafts. We just an amateur, or exactly a beginner in arts industry. HAHA. Please support us in order to heal this world through arts. Spread the truth! Wait for another awesome and amazing stuff from us!
!مع السلامة و الى اللقاء